For Nonprofits

I have studied nonprofit foundations and have a bachelor’s degree in Community Education and Engagement. My passion for individuals being happy with their workplace and life led me to complete my graduate degree in Organizational Change Leadership. I have also worked from direct service roles to executive leadership positions in various cities for 20 years. 

Whether you’re about to launch a nonprofit and need guidance on where to start, want to perfect your leadership skills, or need staff development- I’m your go-to source.

Contact me today for a complimentary meeting to see if we are a good fit!

Nonprofit Services

Guidance Consulting

Services for consulting include, but are not limited to, program designs, budgeting, program scheduling, strategic planning, and coaching leaders.

Culture Improvement Consulting

People don’t quit jobs; they quit supervisors. Build your leadership skills and improve your ability to build and lead teams to produce the outcomes that you or your organization desires. The program lasts 3 or 6 months and includes observation and bi-weekly meetings.

Facilitation Training

Training is available for senior leadership, retreats, or staff and can be done virtually or in person. Training is personalized for each organization’s needs. Past training topics include effective leadership, strategic planning, leveraging networks for fund development, and nonprofit foundations. 

Organizations I’ve recently worked with


  • Latisha was a great presenter.  Her presentation was very precise and pertinent to my organization’s needs.  She was very clear in her presentation, effectively explained, and answered questions.  I am grateful for this opportunity.

    Nonprofit CEO/Founder BUILD Cohort
  • I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation and took away so many nuggets of wisdom.  Thank you for sharing a wealth of knowledge and information about board development.  I walked away from this better equipped, more hopeful and excited about strengthening our working board!

    Stephanie A
    Executive Director of Eagles of Grace Inc